Monday, June 23, 2008

Final Week Blog

In the past week I have seen three news stories about children being forgotten or left in hot cars. Unfortunately, one child died as a result. Coincidentally all were left alone in cars by men. My intention is not to imply that this is a male-only phenomenon but rather to question why it seems to happen more with men.
Is it because they are gendered in masculine traits and they are not as tuned in to caregiving as a priority (as women are)? Is it because, in at least two of the cases, they are of an older generation and not used to being primarily responsibile for children yet circumstances of society today has forced them to assume a completely foreign role? Or are these simply three simultaneous cases of forgetful, thoughtless people?
I don't know but I've learned things about gendering and societal expectation in this course that lead me to believe there may be reasons beyond just being negligent. Although younger men are raised in a society quite different from their fathers, who depended more on women to be primary caretakers, they are still gendered masculine. Two of the men involved were grandfathers. Were they just not capable of keeping children uppermost in their thoughts? Before taking this course I would have just assumed these were simply negligent individuals. Now I'm not so sure.
I'd be interested to hear what others think.


Caebri said...
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Caebri said...

Its so interesting that you bought up such topic! Indeed, it does make you think whether men lack such trait in caregiving. Not to say that men can take care of children 100% . Yet this type of epidemic is very odd that it occurs with men more than it does with women. Certainly it may be quite possible that men lack such nurturing trait!!

??? said...

I am not so sure I think it's a men-only issue. I have seen articles where women have left babies in cars while they went to work simply because they had no one to watch their child and the child suffered. I think that regardless of gender, it is irresponsible to leave a child in the car. Any grown up should know how it feels to sit in the sun and be hot. Adults know how to get away from the heat but children don't. Locking them in a car heated up by the sun is equivalent to the effects of a greenhouse. I wish we lived in a different world but we see these articles every summer. Good post, interesting topic.

Anjum R said...

Response to Dori's post.
Mothers, fathers or any caregiver in general are very conscientious about their children. Mothers have a natural, nurturing, caring and loving instinct. Historically men had been so spoiled and dependent on women, especially for their caring nature, sometime they forget that they are equally responsible. Times are changing, hopefully everyone will realize their responsibilities and we will not see these accidents again.

Rachel said...


Every year when the hot weather hits this happens to a child. I can not imagine how a child is feeling as their body temperature rises and there is no one to help. Every time I see these, let alone all the other things that happen to young and innocent children, I cry. Honestly, I am not sure what to think about this subject. We will all have our opinion on what we think whether it was negligence or just forgetfulness. I can tell you, after I had my baby, I would freak out and ask myself "did I drop her off at daycare" and start to freak out. i think some of it was from post-partum and the rest of it was from not having a child that I had to care for and understanding the responsibility. NO, I never forgot about her but is was a thought. I just feel so bad for the child that had no way out and no one to help!

Daphne2508 said...

Dori, you may have a point there I mean before this courses we all would have probably thought it was just an unfortunate mistake but after taking this class maybe there is more to it. I mean the cases lately have involved men but there have been women (mothers) in the past who have done the same thing. It may have something to do with men not traditionally taking on such a role as being a caregiver so it may be hard when places in that position. These typical traditional roles no longer exist so how do you make a man as conscious as a woman? Think about it can a man ever really be that in tune? I happen to assume some part of a woman being so in tune with things has do with her chemical makeup, from birth we have things that are just inside or us. I think gender separates some of or decision (especially where children are concerned).

Prof.M said...

What an interesting point. First, let me say, that if you are noticing these things and taking on a new perspective, bravo! The class has created a new awareness for you. Second, I would have to agree. I think that we are creatures of isn't for the most part men's responsibility. Think about it, even when a woman has the baby. She takes time off for family leave. They haven't created a child care pattern for themselves might be part of the answer. Really good topic and thought in this post. And, love that you don't automatically assume neglience but, can see the possibilities for another explanation.